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Where can one find me in my free time?

Experiments with the government and startups


Consulting the government, working on policy matters.
What is the meaning of development from different perspectives? What are major FMCG giants doing? How should the youth policy be designed to increase skills in a feedback loop, like a control systems circuit?

ISB, Hyderabad

Brainstorming with entrepreneurs.
Can blockchain be used for building trust in social media? How do you remove deepfakes? Can we solve world hunger using super and sub nodes? Space tech has huge scope but if we can go up, we can also go down, what is the scope in deep ocean tech? Democartize access to teachers using machine learning....

Hiroshima, Japan

Walking around with friends! I love running a lot 5Kms during university

Trying to start and fail at experiments ~80% of the time
Example, the half spectacle, a crowdsourced newspaper for university or Reading non fiction and papers!!
Below is a set of books read in the last year :)